Archived News of the WeekThe "Poof" Theory of DeathOr, Why use Alternative Medicine?"Joy, pleasure and freedom are sustainable, deprivation and austerity are not. When you eat a healthier diet, quit smoking, exercise, meditate and have more love in your life, then your brain receives more blood and oxygen, so you think more clearly, have more energy, need less sleep. Your brain may grow so many new neurons that it could get measurable bigger in only a few months. Your face gets more blood flow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. Your heart gets more blood flow, so you have more stamina and can even begin to reverse heart disease. Your sexual organs receive more blood flow, so you may become more potent - similar to the way that circulation increasing drugs like Viagra work. For many people, these are choices worth making - not just to live longer but to live better." Deepak Chopra, "Alternative Medicine is Mainstream," Wall Street Journal, 1/9/09 Why Alternative Medicine? For many reasons, not just the wonderful vision that Deepak portrays above. The first is the trust factor with Big Pharma. Hey, it's a business with a bottom line putting a gazillion bucks per year into the perfection of drugs which will suppress symptoms and make the docs popular and the patients grateful. But they often release drugs that they know are harmful. They routinely hide and/or skew research results and either hornswaggle or are in cahoots with the FDA in their chicanery. We know that the mere suppression of symptoms is not ideal, because a painful or debilitating symptom is our friend and we depend on its voice to lead the way through the darkness to the underlying cause which is the real problem and that which we should be treating. Most drugs tend to suppress and drive the illness deeper into the cellular matrix where it will hide just waiting to morph into something more devastating. The second reason to choose alternative methods is because of the well-known side-effects of drugs. Patrick Swayze probably won't die of his pancreatic cancer, but of the side-effects of the drugs he is taking. Thirdly, the well known sledge-hammer effect of drugs is contrary to how the body works: Wham, Bam, Thank you, Mam. All better now? Think not. Then there is four: Deepak suggests that we not adopt the alternative route just for longevity but so that we can feel more alive as we age, so that we may live long and die short, or as Andrew Weil says, so that we can "compress mortality." I personally would like to GO, Go, go - then just drop like the One Hoss Shay in Oliver Wendell Holmes famous poem: "Have you heard of the wonderful one hoss shay That was built in such a logical way. It ran a hundred years to the day Then it went to pieces all at once All at once and nothing first, Just as bubbles do when they burst. We are built in a most logical way as well: Our most important organs come with a spare, our heart is built to withstand millions of beats over a lifetime and our liver is an incredibly hard working detoxification system which rids us of over 200 poisons on a daily basis. But we have to care for our body, nourish it appropriately, supplement it as needed, exercise it and relax it. If we don't take care of ourselves, we just won't go "poof" at age over 90 something, closing our eyes gently in this dimension and opening them joyfully in the next dimension. Instead we will suffer one symptom after another, slowly becoming more infirm with more trips to the ER or our HMO doc, taking more and more drugs, some of which are reducing the symptoms caused by some of the other drugs we are taking. We will become more depressed, wonder why we are still alive then after many years of wondering and trying to fix, we will blessedly let go. Let's see, I think I will choose Door Number One. The one where I sort of take care of myself, eat right, exercise and just go "poof." "You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical." Abraham You may wonder about all the studies that come out saying that this vitamin is not good for you or that vitamin doesn't work. These studies are usually worthless, especially if done by the pharmaceutical companies. Don't even read them. I get disgusted every time one comes out, because I see the fence sitters toppling over to the Big Pharma skeptic side, which is a shame because they won't go "poof" like you and me. (Ask a few questions: Did the study use synthetic or whole vitamins? What population of people did the study use? What was the dosage? How long did the subjects take it?) I don't just throw stuff at you. I don't say, "Here, take this multivitamin from GNC and you will miraculously walk again." First of all, you probably walk O.K. You may not even need a multivitamin, plus buying a multivitamin at GNC is like buying organic (air quotes here) produce at Wal-Mart. I don't tell you what you need to either get rid of an illness or to stay healthy. You tell me what you need through muscle testing. It's called targeted supplementation and, when we find the right one for you, most of you start feeling better almost immediately. So, what's that about? My success rates wouldn't be so high if alternative medicine is not a viable alternative to western medicine. It is, and it will continue to be regardless of bogus research and dishonest Big Pharma.
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