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I am getting truly terrified about GMO's. I had my first inkling of eyes-wide-open, all- alarm-bells-ringing at a conference I attended in 2010, called Seeds of Doubt, all about this new fangled foodstuff called GMO's. There I was treated to scary statistics, photos of sick looking crops and photos of mice who had eaten nothing but GMO feed: They had huge awful-looking tumors hanging off their necks, stomachs, appendages and they lay around like beached whales - they couldn't walk anymore. I am still haunted by these photos.

Then there is the village in India whose residents are slowly dying from tumors due to the gift of GMO's from Nestle et al. Nestle, the company that freely gives their infant(icide) formula to third world countries. Isn't this akin to the nice-looking Ted Bundy sort of pedophile offering candy to the cute 7 year old on the street? Then there are the vaccine-happy Bill and Melinda Gates spreading their millions in Third World Countries as well. Don't get me started. GMO's are the subject here.

Let's cut to the chase: GMO's are not your best friend. And for many reasons like birth defects, infertility, autism, cancer, neurological disorder, CVD, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, depression, spontaneous abortion, dying cattle, diseased fowl and superbugs and superweeds that consume agriculture. Then there is the Colony Collapse Disorder where all the bees are dying from some strange "unknown" thing. (Ha. They are dying from chemicals like Round-up.) What will we do without our pollinators? However, not all is lost, I did see on some news program about mini-robobees who will silently "drone" about pollinating plants. But there is something unnatural and creepy about this. What also comes to mind is that breakpoint when machines surpass humans in intelligence and will take over thus rendering human brains obsolete. Not science fiction, but a very real thing called The Singularity. Google it  it's more spine-chilling than anything at the Cineplex today.

A bit about Roundup or glyphosate: This is the main chemical that is sprayed on GMO crops and it is thought to contribute to all the diseases that are cropping up. It is a systemic contaminant, which means that it is in the cells of your food and can't be washed off, and if you eat processed foods (those in a bag, box, can, jar or wrapper) the chances are good that you are eating Roundup. The truth about the toxicity of Roundup has been buried where the sun don't shine, lied about and ignored because of the huge coffers (which buy silence) of the manufacturer of Roundup, yep, Monsanto. The biotech industry, spearheaded by Monsanto has managed to turn food into poison.

Here are products to avoid like the GMO plague that they are: First of all, GM Corn. If you need chips for your salsa, look for the non-GMO, organic label. I believe that Garden of Eatin' makes an OK product. Since corn on the cob season is just around the corner, you have to start asking your greengrocer about which corn is non-GMO. I asked at Ideal Market and was told that Munson's "claims" that it is non-GMO.

GM Soy: Soy was never meant to be eaten by us upright two-leggers. It was first grown in the 1920's as feed for pigs. But if you must, please choose organic only.

GM Cottonseed: Nearly all fried foods contain this oil. Watch out for your MacDonald's fries. Its cousin is canola which is a modified form of rapeseed oil which is genetically modified. There was no canola before the 1970's. The mad chemists from Dow et al created this mutation from rapeseed.

GM Alfalfa: This is what farmers feed their cows. To feed cows alfalfa is not natural for them so, in the first place, it's a form of animal abuse. Bossy was meant to eat grass, and the alfalfa makes her sick and necessitates the use of antibiotics to keep her well enough to get slaughtered, cut up and wrapped in plastic and also to keep the pus out of her milk. So, no meat or dairy from conventionally raised cows. Grass fed only.

GM Papaya: The Hawaiian papaya crop is 75% GM. You don't need this for your fruit salad, do you?

GM Sugar Beets: Half of all sugar in the US is from sugar beets which is yet another good reason not to eat sugar. This is also high fructose corn syrup. MSG also comes from sugar beets, so anytime you see something vague like "natural flavors" written in the ingredients section of the label, you can just assume that it is MSG and comes from sugar beets which is a genetically modified food which causes tumors, mutations and death.

Another Bad Guy in this GMO scenario is group called the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a multi-billion dollar lobbying group. Dr. Mercola (www.mercola.com) calls the GMA "the most evil corporation on the planet." And I bet you have never heard of them.

This group of companies and their lobbyists are solidly behind the defeat of any bill passed anywhere which restricts the use of GMO's. You might have heard that ballsy Vermont ( a couple of counties in Oregon, too) has just passed a GMO labeling bill by a huge margin. Now, the GMA will sue the state of Vermont and Vermont has vowed to fight back, certainly a David and Goliath scenario. Watch this drama, folks, and learn how omnipotent the chemical companies and the GMA have become. They try to operate behind the scenes so those of us who unconsciously doe-de-doe about our lives won't realize what they are up to until we have a tumor the size of a microwave hanging off our neck. Maybe then, we will wake up from our la-de-da haze to wonder how in the world it got there.

I am going to boycott every single manufacturer of ostensibly "organic" products who belong to the GMA and I wish you would too. Money and the Bottom Line always scream the loudest. I'm going to rattle off the names of just some of the companies I recognized in a pretty long list. At least it will get us started: IZZE, Naked Juice, Frito-Lay, Odwalla, Boca Burgers, Cascadian Farms, Larabar, Muir Glen, Alexia (there go my sweet potato fries... ) Bear Naked, Kashi, Morningstar Farms, RW Knudsen, Santa Cruz Organics and Dagoba. These are originally entrepreneurial companies who sold out for the big bucks to huge conglomerates like ConAgra, Kraft, Kelloggs, Campbells, Smuckers, Hersheys, McCormick, General Mills, Nestle, PepsiCo and Coca Cola.

All is not lost: You will be fairly safe if, when you are buying processed foods, you buy only USDA 100% Organic. But it's always best to cook from scratch, buy in the bins and forego all packaged foods.

I am moving my office. As of June 24th I will be at 3005  47th Street, F2, which is one block east of Foothills on Valmont. See you there!

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